Breaking new grounds with music on screen
Foun­ded by Bernhard Fleis­cher in 1998, BFMI is an in­de­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pany for au­dio-visu­al pro­grammes of the per­form­ing arts - wheth­er these be doc­u­ment­ar­ies, por­traits of artists, ad­apt­a­tions of mu­sic and dance for the cam­era, or the genu­ine rendi­tion of live per­form­ances. Hence, our core activ­it­ies fo­cus on the de­vel­op­ment of new film pro­jects, the quest for part­ners to se­cure co-pro­duc­tion agree­ments and, of course, the fi­nal au­dio-visu­al pro­duc­tion. Loc­ated in Salzburg, one of Europe's lead­ing cul­tur­al centres, the BFMI of­fice is slim- struc­tured, thus al­low­ing the com­pany to act swiftly and with flex­ib­il­ity in the mar­ket.
In­deed, ac­quir­ing mod­ern forms and formats of visu­al­isa­tion quickly is im­per­at­ive when it comes to pro­du­cing more than just mov­ing im­ages, namely im­ages that also bear the po­ten­tial to move their audi­ences. Our key to suc­cess in the dis­sem­in­a­tion of high-qual­ity mu­sic pro­grammes through au­dio-visu­al me­dia is to ap­ply state-of-the-art means and to find ad­equate ways of trans­mit­ting vari­ous con­tents across to the view­er. Head­ing for in­nov­a­tion and, yes, hope­fully, leav­ing the ste­reo­typed cul­tur­al TV pro­grammes be­hind, each pro­ject is cus­tom­ized either to the in­di­vidu­al art form, the artist(s), or both.
To­geth­er, art and en­ter­tain­ment form a com­pel­ling uni­on, one that we - at BFMI - thor­oughly en­dorse. Mu­sic and dance are a deep source of en­joy­ment and spir­itu­al en­rich­ment, which we would like to share with as many people as pos­sible. There­fore, the say­ing: "This can't be done with art" does not ex­ist for us, be­cause we strongly be­lieve in mak­ing pro­grammes that today's audi­ence want to watch, listen and feel.
Team & Contact
Bernhard Fleischer Moving Images GmbH
Goethestraße 19
83435 Bad Reichenhall



Bernhard Fleischer
Bernhard Fleischer
Managing director
Michaela Noa
Michaela Noa
Production manager
Michaela Knopf
Michaela Knopf
Production manager

BFMI Productions Inc.
23801 Calabasas Road Ste. 103
Calabasas, CA 91302

We are proud to announce our partners to whom we owe the realisation of many of our films
Broadcasting Stations
Cultural Institutions
Labels & Distribution

Bernhard Fleischer Moving Images GmbH
Goethestraße 19
83435 Bad Reichenhall


Managing Director
Bernhard Fleischer

Fiscal Authorities
Finanzamt Traunstein | company id: HRB 28488
VAT-ID: DE328169146

Bank Account
Volksbank Salzburg
IBAN: AT60 4501 0000 0011 7671

Managing Director
Bernhard Fleischer

Internet editorial
Michaela Noa (Editor in Chief)

Media development
eyedears - ideen für kommunikation
Siegfried Baumegger

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